Member-only story
A list of injustices
Poetry, April 17th
To date, there have been more deaths in Kenya
from police brutality trying to enforce curfew
than from Covid-19
there are men serving life sentences for posessing less
marijuana than I brought back from Colorado
that one time
I know a girl who weighed just 92 pounds whe she escaped
a relationship that she labeled “codependent” but
was fucking abusive, okay?
The United States budgeted $633 billion for defense
$106 billion for heath and human services and
$72 billion for education
One night in Spain we got kicked out of a strip club that
might have been a brothel now that I think about it
because some of our friends were gay
My sister has written thousands of words to a friend
on death row in Texas and never knows which
letter will be the last
An old man gave his whole life to fighting injustice but
was a little “too much” to lead a capitalistic
country out of war